
News | 2024

10/15 (Tue), 10/17 (Thu), 10/18 (Fri) “Lithuania Peace Memorial Event” organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania

October 03, 2024

*For more details, please see the flyer. 10/15 (Tue)  75周年記念 ― 東京初来日公演 フォークダンス・アンサンブル「ネムナス」 10/17 (Thu), 10/18 (Fri) ビルテ・マール 一人芝居『氷の子どもたち』/『屋根裏の仏さま』

MIA news of “KAWARABAN” for October edition has been uploaded.

October 02, 2024

MIA news of “KAWARABAN” for October edition has been uploaded. Click here!

【November 9】Consultation for education and mental health for children and guardians with foreign roots

September 30, 2024

外国につながる子どもと保護者のための「教育・こころの相談会」为外国籍儿童和家长举办的教育和心理咨询会 For further details, please refer to the following page.